Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Vertically Challenged

Sunday night I fell down. Wine + IPA + Heels = a disaster waiting to happen.

It was our Christmas party at the restaurant. Lots and lots of boozin' went down, and then so did I! Thankfully I was outside with two of my girlfriends when I hit the pavement. I would have never lived it down if I'd been outside with my kitchen boys. I'm the only girl chef in the kitchen, so I gotta be tough! :P Anyway, so now I have a very bruised, very painful, and swollen ankle combined with a less painful, but VERY banged up knee. Oi.

As a new year quickly is upon us once again I will make resolutions. I rarely make actual resolutions because my goals are always geared toward being better at what I already do, but this year I have a couple.

#1 - in light of me being a drunken fool the other night, I resolve to not get shit-faced when I go out and drink. I have no intentions of stopping the consumption of alcohol, but I need to put a cap on it at say, 4 drinks. This way, I can still get silly, and still wear heels, and not eat asphalt.

#2 - run outside. I'm a treadmill girl when I do my runs, but it is exponentially more enjoyable outside. The thing is, I'm just kind of shy. I don't want to be on display. It's funny though, because I know better than to be "afraid" of this.. when ever I go outdoors for a run, I never feel as though I'm being watched, or even really looked at. People jog all the time, it's not like I'd be out there doing something that people don't see multiple times in any given day. I need the exercise, and I need Vitamin D from the sun, so it's a win-win. As soon as my ankle is healthy again.

#3 - and then just continue with my other wellness goals. Stick to my diet of mostly lean meat, fruits and veggies. Do my best to stay away from "white" foods and things that are processed. And work out. I definitely want to amp up my cardio this year!

So there you have it. Kellie Resolutions for 2012! Hooray!

My son turns FOUR on Friday. Where has the time gone?! I still see him as my baby. Which is really kind of funny because I remember when my daughter was his age I treated her a lot more like a "kid". Maybe it's because when she was his age, he was a newborn and I needed her to mature a little faster. Aww, that sounds so sad and makes me feel like a rotten mama to say that! But, it is true. Newborns are a tough beast to conquer, and sometimes she had to fill up her own water glass.
So, there's some cake baking in order! I have decided to make him a Rainbow cake for this birthday.

and then I will be decorating it like this, but with a "T".

Monday, December 12, 2011

Chestnuts roasting, and exploding in my face

Did you know that about Chestnuts? I sure didn't, and I'm the chef! I mean, I knew it was possible.. but I didn't think it was so probable! So yes, my first time roasting chestnuts and two exploded and caught fire in my oven, and one in my face. Yikes! Thankfully, my eyes are fine. As for my hair.. well, I'll be picking tiny bits of nuts out of it for a bit.

Tonight is the Christmas party for my work. Lots of great chefs, friends, and co-workers. I'm making a vegan chocolate cranberry tart with a chestnut and pecan crust. I'm always worried when I have to eat the dish I've made with lots of others eating it at the same time. It's unnerving. I hope it's not too sweet. I hope the ganache sets up properly. I hope the crust holds up. I hope there's enough salt. I hope there's not too much salt. Gah!

I need to go check on the ganache again.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ahh, Saturday Mornings.

To wake up to a gleaming Christmas tree, coffee, and silence. It's bliss.

The children are up now. I do love the sound of their chatter, but it's always nicer to start the day to just the sound of my own breathing -- not that I'm a mouth breather.. you know what I meant.

I was expecting a couple of guests last night for cocktails, but it got cancelled, so I'm awake in a clean house sans a hangover. Also blissful.

I have a strong desire to go shopping today. However, being that we're not far from Christmas it's bound to be a complete shit show. But I don't know, I'm feeling very Zen this morning and could probably handle the crowds with a smile. I do actually need to go grocery shopping, but I don't desire that so much today. Don't get me wrong, I loooove me some grocery shopping, but ONLY when it's done without kids, when I'm not on a budget, and when I can do it at Whole Foods or Vitamin Cottage on an odd Tuesday afternoon when I can avoid sharing the aisles with too many yoga-moms and grumpy Gluten-Free peoples. :P
No, what I want to do today is go RECORD SHOPPING! There's nothing better than finding one of your favorite albums on vinyl. I really want to get MGMT's Oracular Spectacular, and Snoop's, Doggystyle. Yup, that is what I want to do today. Part of me wants to look at sexy-cute jammies at Victoria's Secret as well - likely due to how good I feel in my own skin because of how I've been eating. It's winter though, and truth be told, the only cute jammies I'll be buying are ones with feet.

I am doing excellently on said diet, but my lack or motivation with the workin' out is super lame and must be stopped! Husband and I decided that we would make a deal with one another that we each must run 10 miles each week. I like it!

Well, I'm off to enjoy this cold, but sunny Saturday morning. G'day to you!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Bloggity-Blog, round three

I suppose it's because I feel that to have a great blog you must blog about something very specific unless you're a very exciting person. I have tried the "specific" blog thing, twice, and I didn't want to keep writing and they quickly fell to the wayside. The first blog I started on here was the MotherVegan blog. I did enjoy writing that one, when I was vegan for that year. Once I started to eat meat again I just felt so terrible having to admit that to the few vegan readers I had that I just gave up writing there all together. What I probably should have done with that one was to admit defeat, let the militant vegans be mad at me, and have the other people who also struggle to eat "cruelty-free" know that there are others out there who want to make it work, but it just doesn't work for them. But alas, obviously that's not what I did. The second blog I started was to chronicle my daily food and exercise habits through my journey to my goal weight. I wrote one entry. SO, this time, I am going to be dull. I am going to essentially write about the personal things I write in my semi-private Livejournal, and sometimes maybe the really personal things in my uber-private hand written journal. Exciting, no?

So, today I woke up to my alarm which blasts Megadeth's "Angry Again" at 6:30am. Had coffee and a bowl of Special K. Began getting Miss E ready for school. Sent said daughter off to school with a warm ride with dad. Played some Spider Man with Mr T - mommy-son time with a three year old is just hilarious! I started cleaning the house as I always do and I was grossed out to see a spider in the bathroom. In December. In Colorado. How is that possible it was still living? Ughh! I flushed it. Poor little guy, I actually feel a little bad for killing it after it has survived the winter thus far. See, I may not be vegan but my heart still bleeds for all creatures. Later after husband, A went to work I began working on a house painting project I've been taking my sweet time on. Do people still sponge paint? I don't know, but I decided I wanted to. Last week, I sponged the olive green kid bathroom with lime green and it turned out awesome! Then today I sponged a light lemony yellow over a different green in the hallway - and I'm not so sure about this one. It's kind of cool. I think it will grow on me. The look reminds me a lot of Missoni knits, which is awesome actually, but I just am not sure.. I will take a picture and post it. You tell me.

After picking up E from school. The children and I decided pizza was to be ordered. This is not on plan with my current, ever changing diet, but I felt a spurge was in order. It was worth it and I regret nothing. Especially the cinnamon-bread. Yumm.