Friday, December 9, 2011

Bloggity-Blog, round three

I suppose it's because I feel that to have a great blog you must blog about something very specific unless you're a very exciting person. I have tried the "specific" blog thing, twice, and I didn't want to keep writing and they quickly fell to the wayside. The first blog I started on here was the MotherVegan blog. I did enjoy writing that one, when I was vegan for that year. Once I started to eat meat again I just felt so terrible having to admit that to the few vegan readers I had that I just gave up writing there all together. What I probably should have done with that one was to admit defeat, let the militant vegans be mad at me, and have the other people who also struggle to eat "cruelty-free" know that there are others out there who want to make it work, but it just doesn't work for them. But alas, obviously that's not what I did. The second blog I started was to chronicle my daily food and exercise habits through my journey to my goal weight. I wrote one entry. SO, this time, I am going to be dull. I am going to essentially write about the personal things I write in my semi-private Livejournal, and sometimes maybe the really personal things in my uber-private hand written journal. Exciting, no?

So, today I woke up to my alarm which blasts Megadeth's "Angry Again" at 6:30am. Had coffee and a bowl of Special K. Began getting Miss E ready for school. Sent said daughter off to school with a warm ride with dad. Played some Spider Man with Mr T - mommy-son time with a three year old is just hilarious! I started cleaning the house as I always do and I was grossed out to see a spider in the bathroom. In December. In Colorado. How is that possible it was still living? Ughh! I flushed it. Poor little guy, I actually feel a little bad for killing it after it has survived the winter thus far. See, I may not be vegan but my heart still bleeds for all creatures. Later after husband, A went to work I began working on a house painting project I've been taking my sweet time on. Do people still sponge paint? I don't know, but I decided I wanted to. Last week, I sponged the olive green kid bathroom with lime green and it turned out awesome! Then today I sponged a light lemony yellow over a different green in the hallway - and I'm not so sure about this one. It's kind of cool. I think it will grow on me. The look reminds me a lot of Missoni knits, which is awesome actually, but I just am not sure.. I will take a picture and post it. You tell me.

After picking up E from school. The children and I decided pizza was to be ordered. This is not on plan with my current, ever changing diet, but I felt a spurge was in order. It was worth it and I regret nothing. Especially the cinnamon-bread. Yumm.

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