Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ahh, Saturday Mornings.

To wake up to a gleaming Christmas tree, coffee, and silence. It's bliss.

The children are up now. I do love the sound of their chatter, but it's always nicer to start the day to just the sound of my own breathing -- not that I'm a mouth breather.. you know what I meant.

I was expecting a couple of guests last night for cocktails, but it got cancelled, so I'm awake in a clean house sans a hangover. Also blissful.

I have a strong desire to go shopping today. However, being that we're not far from Christmas it's bound to be a complete shit show. But I don't know, I'm feeling very Zen this morning and could probably handle the crowds with a smile. I do actually need to go grocery shopping, but I don't desire that so much today. Don't get me wrong, I loooove me some grocery shopping, but ONLY when it's done without kids, when I'm not on a budget, and when I can do it at Whole Foods or Vitamin Cottage on an odd Tuesday afternoon when I can avoid sharing the aisles with too many yoga-moms and grumpy Gluten-Free peoples. :P
No, what I want to do today is go RECORD SHOPPING! There's nothing better than finding one of your favorite albums on vinyl. I really want to get MGMT's Oracular Spectacular, and Snoop's, Doggystyle. Yup, that is what I want to do today. Part of me wants to look at sexy-cute jammies at Victoria's Secret as well - likely due to how good I feel in my own skin because of how I've been eating. It's winter though, and truth be told, the only cute jammies I'll be buying are ones with feet.

I am doing excellently on said diet, but my lack or motivation with the workin' out is super lame and must be stopped! Husband and I decided that we would make a deal with one another that we each must run 10 miles each week. I like it!

Well, I'm off to enjoy this cold, but sunny Saturday morning. G'day to you!

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